
Yes, Working Out In The Comforts Of Your Home

Simple physical activities can have a positive impact on your life. Activities such as walking to your mailbox as oppose to driving up to the box and reaching out of the window is exercise that your body and heart will appreaciate. Here are a few additional activities that are beneficial to your health:

  1. In the comfort of your home try hula hooping to your favorite tunes.
  2. Dancing is fun and is a great form of execising.
  3. Planking builds upper and lower body strength
  4.  Crunches on the medic ball is another great tool. The medic ball promotes a health core strength and since you are on a comfortable object your back is supported and you are not laying on a hard surface.
  5. Jumping Jacks, wall push ups and marching in place is a awesome workout.

Remember if you are new to a exercise regiment please get the permission from your healthcare provider before starting any new activites AND take babysteps in all that you do. (Perhaps do a activity during commerical breaks. and please stay hydrated).

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